About us

Complete Fire Protection Service

Welcome to our website.

We will provide you with fire safety surveys and staff fire training in our own facilities. We will be happy to offer you free consultancy together with a tentative quote for our many services and goods. Samples of our fire-fighting equipment are found here.

We specialise in the fire protection of buildings. Our company is engaged in the protection of buildings and in fire risk assessments, the production, sale and installation of fire-proof and conventional doors, walls and gates. We install all sorts of hydrants and extinguishers, including inspection and repairs.

We are looking forward to your visit at.

Novovysočanská 50
19000 PRAHA 9
Tel.: +420 284 823 487
Mobil: +420 602 626 133
E-mail: legatova@hasicskyservis.cz

Fire protection services

Najdeme vám perfektní protipožární dveře, napište nám

  • Položky označené hvězdičkou (* ) jsou povinné.

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